In the healthcare field, the QRC Group is recruiting physicians and experts for clinics and large practices, as well as managers and specialists for successful national and international healthcare companies. Our headhunters have excellent global networks and many years of experience in approaching healthcare companies directly.

The days when HR recruiters, chief physicians and care providers could select from a stack of highly-qualified applicants to find the best candidates are long gone for most clinics and companies. The lack of qualified medical specialists and senior personnel is being felt throughout all disciplines, from assistant jobs to care providers to physicians, with a widespread doctor shortage throughout the country. Competition for the brightest minds has been on for quite some time. To confirm this is the case, just look at the wanted ads in the Deutsches Ärzteblatt. However, classic channels like ads, conferences, and job portals are rarely a good way to find the best candidates today


Take advantage of our expertise in identifying candidates and direct contact, as well as our consulting abilities to fill your key positions in the healthcare field. The QRC Group recruits executives in the healthcare field (Executive Search), as well as specialists (Expert Search), and fills top temporary positions through Interim Management. Contact us today.

Health Care Gesundheitswesen


From all of the employers in the healthcare field, it is likely university clinics and major specialist practices who currently have the easiest time finding suitable candidates for job advertisements – even if they are still in tough, direct competition with one another. However, the great variety of infrastructures, focal areas, and above all major differences between hospitals and clinics often demand new ways to find top people for smaller, less well-known institutions. The QRC Group understands the needs of the best candidates, and utilises their good industry expertise and an excellent network to identify the best candidates for you, then contact them and win them over for your company.


Managers and chief physicians must be able to work in an economical way in hospitals, doctors’ practices and care providers at all times, while always understanding their customers or patients as people, and reacting in a sensitive manner. Depending on how the institution in question is run, it may also be driven by a humanitarian mission, based on similar yet differing cultures and philosophies. To do all of this takes broad expertise, good soft skills, and above all, experience.



Because of the great importance of the interaction between employers, employees, corporate principles and patients, perfect matching in the healthcare field is the main objective for QRC Group headhunters. Our experience and our well-developed network in the healthcare field make us the best HR recruiting partner for your company.


To recruit specialists, experts, and physicians for a mid-sized practice or specialist office, or for an urban hospital, we have to appeal to qualified applicants directly, explaining to them why they should take on a career at a mid-sized hidden champion or why they should take over a practice.

The QRC Group has many years of thorough expertise in the healthcare field, and has developed into a platform for specialists and managers looking for a change. Because of this, we find multiple good candidates for most of our clients, and can concentrate more on getting the right match between employers and applicants, to ensure long-term success for your company with the right employees.


Demographic change, and a resulting lack of trained professionals, is one of the industry’s biggest challenges. This issue demands solutions that will relieve staff workloads in both inpatient and outpatient care structures, in order to continue guaranteeing high-quality healthcare. In addition, there are many people requiring care and support in order to live independently and autonomously. Robotic technologies have great potential in these applications.

Robotic solutions and developments for the individual areas of hospital use, rehabilitation, geriatric nursing and supporting independent living are essential, and will become more and more widespread in the coming years. Japan and Korea are considered pioneers in innovative robotics.

Aktuelle Themen im Gesundheitswesen

Digitalisation, block chain database solutions, artificial intelligence have also been gaining momentum in the pharmaceutical/chemical and healthcare industries for some time now. The Bundesverband Medizintechnologie e. V. (German Medical Technology Association) and the medical technology association Spectaris see these as priority topics for the future. In our demographically changing society,…

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Demographic changes and the resulting shortage of skilled workers are among the most important challenges facing society. Solutions are needed that relieve the burden on staff in both inpatient and outpatient care structures in order to enable continued high quality in health care and nursing. But people in need of…

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Gerhard Nienaber

Welche Bedeutung und Aufgaben werden Ärzte in der Zukunft haben?  Wie ändert sich das Gesundheitswesen? Das Gesundheitssystem befindet sich in einem ständigen Wandel. Neue Technologien und Innovationen verändern den Markt in immer schneller werdender Geschwindigkeit. Künstliche Intelligenz und die Digitalisierung verändern das Berufsbild der Mediziner/Ärzte. Health Care…

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QRC Logo Quadrat

Auf den ersten Blick mag es verwirrend klingen, wie sollte man mit einer fingierten Stellenanzeige Geld verdienen können und doch, das Geschäft vorwiegend internationaler Betrüger floriert. Mittels gefälschter Inserate in Internet-Jobbörsen werden Bewerberdaten in großen Mengen gesammelt und für verschiedene Straftaten genutzt. Personendaten werden von Cyber-Betrügern international behandelt und sind…

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Ihre Ansprechpartner im Gesundheitswesen
Georg Hesel

Executive & Experts


Executive, Experts & Interim

Carmen Kraushaar

Executive & Experts

Jochen Lippok

Executive & Experts

Gerhard Nienaber

Interim Management

Michael Ullmann


Stellenangebote im Gesundheitswesen
Datum: 18. April 2023

Großraum Karlsruhe / Homeoffice

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Datum: 14. March 2022

Home-Office - Deutschland

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Datum: 12. March 2024

Berlin / Brandenburg / Hoppegarten

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