Since 2012, our team in Ottobrunn outside Munich and in Münster has consistently focused on human resources consulting in the areas of product lifecycle management and IoT. PLM – product lifecycle management – encompasses various disciplines of product development and production, from computer-aided design (CAD) and manufacturing (CAM) to supply chain management (SCM) and environmental compliance. The focus, however, is on the design and management of digital product development processes.

We live and breathe PLM and have already succeeded in helping many companies to find the right candidates for product development or the design of product development processes. Our entire team identifies with PLM and have already worked for major software manufacturers. A wealth of experience in building sales and channel organisations combined with extensive knowledge of the specific PLM processes associated with different industries gives them a unique perspective of what is required of potential customers and candidates. We speak your language and have a keen eye for the essentials: identifying people from a wide range of segments, motivating them and establishing a good match between requirements and the right candidates.

Only the best for your PLM challenge

Looking for PLM experts?

The PLM market is very straightforward – and at the same time very confusing. But the fact is: candidates who are looking for a position are few and far between, and if they are looking, they quickly find themselves in a new position. Latent seekers want to be approached actively AND with the right qualifications. This is where we make an important difference.

Our service

The PLM market has many unique features and we always strive to provide unparalleled service to our customers and to meet their individual needs. We do this through regular open communication, an understanding of the markets and ethical principles. The quality of our applicants and pre-selection in terms of suitability for the respective company culture, the “best fit”, enables us to build and maintain strong, long-term relationships with both customers and candidates. We work with each customer individually and tailor our recruiting strategy to their specific needs.

Gespräch am Konferenztisch

Our network

We have an extensive network of candidates and maintain relationships with many decision-makers and opinion leaders within the “scene”. A good network is an ideal starting point and an important prerequisite for a successful search. This is, of course, not limited to the existing network. Besides market knowledge, the search always requires a great deal of diligence and continuity.

Our service for candidates

Our service is free of charge for candidates. We work exclusively on behalf of companies. You do not have to sign any “declarations” or “obligations”. What we do not do is also important: unlike many “agencies” in the English-speaking world, we do not anonymously distribute your documents to many companies. We decide together with you where to present you – period.

Which companies use our service?


Our target groups mainly include:

• providers of PLM software solutions
• consultancies in the field of digital product development
• industrial companies that use the corresponding technologies. We differentiate here functionally between positions
• within corporate IT and
• those within the specialist fields (usually product development / engineering / production control)

What else do we do?


Due to the universal digitalisation of almost all industries, the topic of PLM is highly topical. For this reason, we inevitably deal with “adjacencies”, i.e. related topics. The constantly growing share of software in the value creation of products as well as changing marketing concepts (sharing, rent/lease) have fundamental effects – including on job profiles and required soft skills.

Our principles
Industry 4.0 / IoT

The term Industry 4.0 stands for the fourth industrial revolution. It affects the organisation and control of the entire PLM value chain. This has been triggered by the increasingly individualised requirements of customers. By networking all processes along the value chain, all information should be made available in real time. The data should then be analysable so that the optimal value flow can be derived at any time. Companies are therefore faced with the strategic challenge of developing implementation strategies for Industry 4.0 topics for their customers and making them usable through solutions/consulting. Which skills and qualifications are needed? Which skills and qualifications still need to be acquired? Experts – Industry 4.0 readiness.

Functions where we fill in PLM Positions
Aufbau von PLM Teams

Der Aufbau eines schlagfertigen PLM und Industrie 4.0 Teams, welches die Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen aus dem Maschinenbau und der Informatik kombiniert, steht im Vordergrund vieler Aktivitäten unserer Endkunden. Schlussendlich wird man sich auch der Frage der Personalplanung- und Entwicklung in fertigungsintensiven Industrien nicht entziehen können.

Die sozial-ökonomischen Konsequenzen dieser Industrie 4.0 Themen auf die Arbeitswelt (Digitalisierung und Vernetzung) stellt Fach- und Führungskräfte gleichermaßen vor neue Herausforderungen. Es gilt diesbezüglich Strategien in der Weiterbildung, Arbeitszeitmodelle und Zugänge zu Qualifikationen zu entwickeln.

News in PLM

As a headhunter we do not only advise companies. The maintenance of our candidate network is also very important to us. We are in regular contact with people who are first looking for orientation and, if necessary, only in the second step to a new position. Should I switch to…

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More and more medium-sized companies are planning the introduction of product lifecycle management systems. Unlike in large companies, knowledge of these systems and their application usually has to be built up first.As personnel consultants, we have specialised in filling PLM management and key positions, and we also know the particular…

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Dass E-Mobilität Branchen verändert und durcheinander würfelt ist mittlerweile eine Binsenweisheit. Umso spannender ist es daher, eine solche Veränderung tatsächlich zu sehen und konkret wahrzunehmen. Kürzlich saß ich auf einer Veranstaltung neben dem Eigentümer eines mittelständischen ambulanten Pflegedienstes, der ca. 500 Mitarbeiter beschäftigt. Schon vor einiger Zeit stieg dieser Unternehmer…

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Joerg Speikamp

Der QRC Recruiting Prozess lässt sich in drei wesentliche Elemente gliedern: 1. Kundenanforderung 2. Recruiting 3. Vorstellung & Einstellung 1. Vertrag, Auftrag und Kundenanforderungen Ausgestaltung von vertraglichen und rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen zw. dem Auftraggeber und QRC Konkrete Beauftragung für eine Stellenbesetzung Durchführung eines Briefinggesprächs mit dem Kunden zur Erstellung einer detaillierten…

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Joerg Speikamp

Willkommen im PLM Netzwerk der QRC Group Oberhaching – PLM Wenn Sie uns gefunden haben ist PLM sicher kein Fremdwort für Sie. Inhaltlich gehören Sie so zur großen aber doch überschaubaren PLM Familie. Wir arbeiten ausschließlich für PLM…

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Joerg Speikamp

Product-Lifecycle-Management bzw. Produktlebenszyklusmanagement (PLM) ist ein Konzept zur nahtlosen Integration sämtlicher Informationen, die im Verlauf des Lebenszyklus eines Produktes anfallen. Das Konzept beruht auf abgestimmten Methoden, Prozessen und Organisationsstrukturen und bedient sich üblicherweise IT-Systemen für die Aufzeichnung und Verwaltung der Daten (Quelle: Wikipedia). Im Verlauf der letzten Jahrzente entstand somit…

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Jobs in PLM
Datum: 05. April 2023

Landsberg am Lech

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Datum: 27. February 2023

Düsseldorf oder Eschborn oder bundesweit

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Datum: 18. October 2022


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Datum: 08. December 2021

Home Office / Remote / bundesweit

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Your contact person
Joerg Speikamp

Executive, Experts & Interim


FOCUS und Experteer zeichneten die QRC Group in den letzten Jahren mehrfach als eine der besten Personalberatungen in Deutschland aus. Wir sind Mitglied im Bund deutscher Unternehmensberater (BDU) und im Bundesverband mittelständischer Wirtschaft (BVMW).