2019 ExecutiveSearch Winner

Another award for the QRC Group

After two successful nominations in previous years, the QRC Group is now delighted to have won the “Headhunter of the year 2019” award. It was named Germany’s best recruitment consultancy in the “Executive Search” category.

The jury was won over by sophisticated testing and selection procedures in the filling of management and key positions as well as in-depth industry knowledge of consultants with many years of experience in combination with transparency, quality and fairness.

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Essential leadership We find the right professionals for your future

Our executive search expertise is based on 15 years of experience, hundreds of hiring projects, and on consistently applying modern search and selection methods. Top candidates always expect to be treated equally and appropriately. Trust, discretion, and loyalty are essential values, ones our consultants always guarantee based on their own experience.

All consultants within the QRC Group understand the wide-ranging impacts of key personnel decisions, thanks to their own years of experience in management and consulting positions. We not only know about your sector and the unique challenges of your market; we also have up-to-date networks and use modern methods to search and select your new top employees. We are more than just headhunters – we are your competent advisers and coaches, ready to help you hire the right professionals for the future of your company.


Experience, seniority, personal contact, and wide-ranging expertise make the difference in top-level HR recruiting, coupled with methodical selection processes and professional assessment.



Our headhunting principles
Executive Search - the difference is
Gespräch am Konferenztisch


  • Thousands of successfully completed projects over the last 15 years reflect our self-image and our mission.
  • Over 300 major customers have trusted us with their executive searches for many years.
  • We only complete a project if we know we can handle it quickly and competently, if it poses no conflict of interest with our other consulting contracts, and if we know we have the resources to complete it promptly.
  • We always treat customers and candidates with respect.
  • We believe that consulting can never be work-to-rule. Instead, our field is about perceiving, understanding, and anticipating.


  • All QRC partners have many years of executive experience in the corporate world and as HR consultants, with a clear focus on their industries and areas of expertise.
  • Our consultants regularly update their expertise, track industry insights, and maintain an overview of their markets, customers and candidates
  • Our recruiters are trained continuously on the latest recruitment technologies and direct contact.


All QRC consultants are doers, with the expertise of an entire career behind them. They understand acronyms, think pragmatically, and look for solutions. All of our consultants have a corporate mindset, since they themselves come from management backgrounds at major companies. Each consultant has their own character, reflected in their individual career paths, and each brings their own expertise to the Group from markets and regions all over the world.

Experience and trust

QRC customers and candidates are long-term partners who can rely on their consultants. For consultants, having extensive experience means they have seen a lot: Success and defeat, market growth and market collapse, expansion and rationalisation. Experienced consultants know how to handle radical shifts and new beginnings. They have learned to show trust and treat others as equals based on their years of expertise in the industry.

Marion Käser-Seitz

There is no need for horror scenarios to understand how serious the impact of COVID-19 on the global economy is beyond human tragedies and medical challenges. The facts speak for themselves. The standstill is currently visible everywhere. It is therefore no wonder that in the latest special report by the…

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Whether I personally would go as far as Vicco von Bülow alias Loriot, whom I hold in high esteem, who once postulated “a life without pugs is possible, but senseless”, I dare to doubt. But there is extensive scientific evidence that humour helps and cures in many different ways.

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Mittlerweile sind sich die meisten Unternehmen bewusst, dass sie ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit nur über den Weg der Digitalisierung des Geschäftsmodells für die Zukunft sichern können. IT-Giganten, Social Media, Digital Analytics Unternehmen, aber auch Start-Ups drängen erfolgreich in die Wirtschaftsbereiche vor, die bisher anderen Unternehmen vorbehalten waren. Das Sammeln,…

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Als Headhunter begegnet mir immer wieder die Frage meiner Mandanten, welche der vorgestellten Personen für die Führungsposition nach meiner Meinung denn die Richtige sei und wer letztlich ausgewählt werden soll. Und ich kann eines vorwegnehmen: Es ist nicht immer diejenige Person, die mir als Berater als die Geeignetste erscheint. Nun…

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Gerhard Nienaber

Will das Human Resource Management (HRM) auch im digitalen Zeitalter eine entscheidende Rolle in der Personal- und Unternehmensentwicklung spielen, muss es den digitalen Wandel verstehen. Der erste Schritt ist, die wesentlichen Veränderungen durch die Digitalisierung überhaupt zu kennen. Nur so kann die Personalabteilung die richtigen Schlüsse für ihre Rolle, ihre…

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Carmen Kraushaar

Die Debatten um eine Quotenregelung für weibliche Führungskräfte nehmen kein Ende. Ich frage mich, warum eigentlich? Schließlich wird regelmäßig darüber berichtet, worin das weibliche Geschlecht voraus ist: sie sind in der Mehrzahl, machen Abitur und sind an technischen Studienfächer interessiert. Zudem kommt man aus demographischer Sicht um die Frauen gar…

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Reduce failed hiring processes

The risk of making the wrong decision in filling an executive position can often be a six-figure mistake, with the danger of added damage to the company's reputation and of lost projects and orders. This is why competent support and advice is so important in these positions. At the QRC Group, you will receive advice only from our partners, not from junior advisers (as is common within the industry). We not only employ our own competence and expertise to improve our decision-making processes; we also use methodological assessments like behavioural profile analysis and personality evaluations, as well as analysing strengths and weaknesses in applicant ranking so that our clients can always make well-founded hiring decisions. We guarantee that your investment in a QRC executive search project with us will be a successful one.

Shaping the future with people

Capital can be raised, factories can be built, people must be won over.

Hans Christoph von Rohr until 1995 Chairman of the Board of Management of Klöckner Werke AG
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We fill management positions in the following functional areas

The QRC Group offers multiple locations across Europe.

Outside of Europe, our contact persons are happy to support you in filling executive and specialist positions from Dubai and Shanghai.

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Your contact persons
Frankfurt am Main

Executive & Experts

Volker Fleischmann

Executive & Experts

Georg Hesel

Executive & Experts

Michael John
Hamburg / Lübeck

Executive & Experts


Executive, Experts & Interim

Michael Kolb

Executive & Experts

Carmen Kraushaar

Executive & Experts

Jochen Lippok

Executive & Experts

Tor Marklund

Executive, Expert & Interim

Stefan Mertz

Executive & Experts

Sepehr Mohajer

Executive, Experts & Interim

Gerhard Nienaber

Interim Management

Detlev von Osten

Executive & Experts

Armin W. Rainer

Executive, Experts & Interim

Michael Reiß

Executive & Experts

Joerg Speikamp

Executive, Experts & Interim

Marco Thommes
Ingolstadt / Pfaffenhofen

Executive & Experts

Ines Thoren

Executive & Experts

Werner von Beyer

Senior Advisor