When agility, creativity and speed are essential to a company's continued existence, then classic decision-making pathways and compartmentalised thinking can quickly become liabilities. Companies facing issues like these need managers who can act as coaches and motivators, and who can translate strategies.

The world of work is changing in fundamental ways, partially due to modern technologies and partially due to a younger generation of employees and a lack of highly-qualified workers. The digital transformation is not only changing business models and organisations, it also demands new ways of thinking and acting from the managers of the future. Companies are saying goodbye to hierarchy and commanding authority. Modern managers need to foster creativity, knowledge, and productivity, and lead organisations out of their silo mentalities and specialisation. This is already the case at younger companies like Google, Facebook or Netflix: Managers at these companies sit with their employees and talk like they do. There is significantly more collaboration, and agile teams work as equals.



Fill your management positions with leaders who understand and can implement this new style of management. The QRC Group is a personnel recruiting firm offering professional headhunting support for your top management positions. We have management experience, and in recent years, we have successfully placed new managers at major companies.

Learn more about our process for filling management positions here.

  • – Don’t micromanage, and don’t control their employees
    – Need courage and a tolerance for ambiguity
    – Are productive and focused on results
    – Have a clear vision and strategy for their team
    – Communicate openly and share information
    – Facilitate learning and experiencing together
    – Open up space for creativity and new skills
    – Are skilled at advising and supporting their teams.
Georg Hesel

Imagine you are waiting for your taxi after a long business meeting and it arrives after a short time. No sooner has the journey begun than a small accident with fender bender occurs. Your driver was not concentrating. A few days later the same situation. The taxi arrives quickly and…

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Marion Käser-Seitz

It is highly likely that you have never seen or written such a job application and if you have, you may have found it disconcerting or amusing. And yet you (as a manager or human resources recruiter) would have liked to hire someone like this for your company or in…

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Georg Hesel

How do we as leaders achieve what is important to us? A truism says that the best way to achieve this is to set specific goals. In leadership training, the popular SMART formula is often used for this. For a long time, I did the same. I set myself goals…

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Management of the dealership – the employees The automotive business is changing fast – who can keep up? What are the important elements of the future in car retailing, where do car managers need to focus in a changing environment? Where is the future success –…

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Internal audit – risk focus in a changing world “How well you define a problem determines how well you solve it. The formulation of the problem is often more essential than its solution, which may be merely a matter of mathematical or experimental skill.” (Albert Einstein). A modern internal audit…

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Ines Thoren

Seit September 2018 unterhält Ines Thoren ihr Büro für die QRC Personalberatung Berlin im Innovationspark Berlin Wuhlheide. In einem Artikel wurde sie nun vom dortigen Presse-Team vorgestellt. Lesen Sie hier den interessanten Text, mit einem kurzen Statement zum Fachkräftmangel, in den Publikationen von Innotech…

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Ines Thoren

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Was Kandidaten über uns sagen

Sehr geehrter Herr Knorr, … Ich hatte bereits vermutet, dass die besagten Branchen nicht zu Ihrem Klientel zählen. Dennoch ist Ihr Gedanke zu meinem Lebenslauf äußert hilfreich. Ich möchte Ihnen an dieser Stelle mitteilen, dass solch ein Hinweis eher die Ausnahme bei einem Personalberater ist. Das spricht für Sie und Ihr Unternehmen. Ich werde Sie auf jeden Fall weiter empfehlen.

Gerald K. Kandidat