In the broad field of electrical engineering and electronics, the QRC Group recruits experts and decision-makers in the areas of engineering, solution management, sales and development for major companies.

Engineering is suffering from an acute shortage of capable candidates, both in management and in vacant positions for technical experts. Key positions often remain unfilled for months. This is particularly evident in the case of electrical engineers, as studies clearly show: If a graduate in electrical engineering writes five applications, he can usually choose between two employers afterwards. However, it is precisely in this field that vacancies usually have to be filled quickly: Electrical engineers are often involved in important stages of the further development and refinement of technologies in the telecommunications, automotive and entertainment industries. No matter whether you are a big player or a mid-sized supplier: Companies that fall behind will have a hard time catching up with the competition – sometimes never.

Capable Minds In Electrical Engineering And Electronics

The QRC Group is a human resources consulting firm specialising in electrical engineering and electronics that provides you with targeted and rapid support in searching for and selecting executives (Executive Search), electronics and electrical specialists (Expert Search) and in filling vacant positions on a temporary basis via Interim Management. With many years of expertise and many successful headhunting projects, we are your competent partner in recruiting.

TOP Employees For Electrical Engineering

The recruiters and human resources consultants of the QRC Group themselves have many years of experience in the fields of engineering, development and information technology and have held key positions in executive boards, personnel management and marketing departments of major German companies.

This is why we not only have excellent industry knowledge in electrical engineering and electronics, but also have an extensive network of contacts that enables us to find exactly the right executives and experts for you and your company. Even in a competitive market such as electrical engineering, we attach great importance to finding the best possible match between the customer and the candidate. Only in this way can we guarantee the long-term success of the cooperation between customers and candidates.

Energy Technology

Along with the automotive industry and telecommunications, energy technology is one of the most forward-looking industries of all. All over the world, but especially in Germany. The advent and ever-increasing necessity of working with new and renewable energies has made energy engineers extremely in-demand, yet courageous and creative strategists are also needed.

SMEs in particular often find it difficult to find suitable candidates for vacant positions in energy technology – many are drawn to the development departments of the large energy providers. However, small and medium-sized enterprises that are committed to sustainable corporate management cannot do without dedicated electronics experts in the industrial sector.

IoT And Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 is one of the most important catchwords of the past few years and stands for communication between and within technical systems.

The “Internet of things”, i.e. the networking and inter-machine communication of more and more devices, requires practicable and, above all, financially viable solutions combined with constant further development and innovation. Without electrical engineers already concentrating on specialist areas such as telecommunications engineering or electronic equipment technology during their studies and bringing key qualifications for your company, this progress will not be possible in the coming years.

Armin W. Rainer

In der industriellen Fertigung gewinnen generative Technologien (im Endverbraucher-Bereich auch als »3D-Druck« bekannt) zunehmend an Bedeutung. Die Fertigungsanlagen für den industriellen Einsatz haben sich hinsichtlich Qualität, Produktivität und Prozessstabilität in den letzten Jahren stark weiterentwickelt. Zusätzlich gibt es mittlerweile ein breites Spektrum an Materialien für unterschiedliche Produktanforderungen und Einsatzgebiete.

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Gerhard Nienaber

Die Schlagzeile der letzten Tage lautet: Deutsche Firmen holen ihre Rentner zurück! Erfahrung steht plötzlich wieder hoch im Kurs. Immer mehr Firmen holen ihre Ehemaligen aus dem Ruhestand zurück. Damit wird dem demografischen Wandel und dem daraus resultierenden Fachkräftemangel Rechnung getragen. Der demografische Wandel fordert Unternehmen heraus! Großunternehmen haben häufig bessere…

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Sepehr Mohajer

Zum 16. Januar 2016 hat die EU mit dem Beschluss 2016/37 L 11 I die gegen den Iran bestehenden Wirtschafts- und Finanzsanktionen weitgehend aufgehoben. Im Vorfeld wurde seitens der Internationalen Atomenergiebehörde bestätigt, dass der Iran seinen an die Aufhebung der Sanktionen gekoppelten Verpflichtungen zum Rückbau des Nuklearprogramms nachgekommen ist. Für…

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Gerhard Nienaber

Die Wirtschaft steht an der Schwelle zur vierten industriellen Revolution. Durch das Internet getrieben, wachsen reale und virtuelle Welt zu einem Internet der Dinge zusammen. International steht Industrie 4.0 heute für die Digitalisierung der Industrie. Die Digitalisierung ist zentraler Treiber für unternehmerisches Wachstum und Wertschöpfung. Um die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit langfristig zu…

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Detlev von Osten

Logistik der Zukunft: Mehr als Technik und Infrastruktur, eine der zukunftsweisenden Aufgaben ist dabei Innovation und Kreativität. Wenn sich alles verändert – Megatrend Disruption. Durch die technologischen Revolutionen ist die Logistik herausgefordert. Seit Jahren ist die Rede von einer Fülle von neuen Technologien, die herkömmliche Verfahren und Strategien in der…

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Your contact for Electrical Engineering And Electronics
Volker Fleischmann

Executive & Experts

Tor Marklund

Executive, Expert & Interim

Stefan Mertz

Executive & Experts

Armin W. Rainer

Executive, Experts & Interim

Joerg Speikamp

Executive, Experts & Interim

Marco Thommes
Ingolstadt / Pfaffenhofen

Executive & Experts

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