For facility management, the QRC Group recruits experts and executives primarily in the areas of site management, software development, technology and sales. Our headhunters for this sector have specialised in direct contact and are familiar with facility management and its developments from their own many years of experience in consulting and the industry. As a result, we have a naturally grown contact network of executives and experts in the industry and recruit with the most up-to-date recruitment methods and tools.

Just a few years ago, facility management consisted mainly of development plans and personnel planning, especially in large industrial companies. In most urban organisations, housing complexes or high-rise buildings, property managers divided the facility manager’s tasks among themselves. In the meantime, industry as well as the service sector need more and more specialised professionals and project managers with a clear specialisation in facility management. The main reason for this development is cost pressure: Buildings and facilities need to function more and more efficiently and conserve resources to be lucrative. This applies to residential construction as well as to industrial facilities and large building complexes from the service sector such as department stores or sports facilities. The goal of facility management is to balance economic and architectural factors while always taking into account the structural and legal characteristics of a property.

QRC recruits TOP executives and experts in facility management

More and more business branches are setting their sights on a currently non-growing number of experts and specialised decision-makers in the fields of facility management and CAFM. Companies aiming to convince one of the few high potentials to take a job must approach candidates directly and convince them. The QRC Group supports you in recruiting executives (Executve Search), specialists (Expert Search) as well as in Interim Management. We look forward to hearing from you.



In facility management, technicians and developers are needed to find customised solutions for building services, facility control and, of course, energy management. This no longer applies only to specialised service providers – more and more companies and housing companies are developing their own solutions so as not to be permanently dependent on service providers.


New thinking and leadership

The industry faces major cost pressure: Buildings and facilities need to function more and more efficiently and conserve resources to be lucrative. This applies to residential construction as well as to industrial facilities and large building complexes from the service sector such as department stores or sports facilities. The goal of facility management is to balance economic and architectural factors while always taking into account the structural and legal characteristics of a property. These days, the responsibility for such issues cannot simply be divided among executives from outside the field.

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Finding and securing the best candidates

Our Executive Search headhunters are successful in perfectly showcasing the advantages of your company and focusing on optimal matching despite the shortage of personnel. Only in this way can a long-term partnership between the client and the candidate be forged.


Staffing requirements in Facility Management

There is a great demand for specialists and decision-makers who already have experience in facility management or can demonstrate a corresponding qualification. On the other hand, there are only a tiny number of specialists in this field, who can practically choose their job. This applies to software developers and technical building equipment designers in the area of facility systems, but also to specialised electricians and technical property managers.


Above all, well-organised management personnel are needed who can maintain an overview over several buildings, facilities and building complexes and are able to motivate and coordinate staff. Especially in energy management, specialists are needed who can ensure resource-saving and thus cost-efficient operation in a company or housing complex.

Current topics in Facility Management
Stefan Mertz

So wenig heute Facility Management mit dem traditionellen Hausmeisterservice von einst zu tun hat, so sehr wird die Komplexität in Zukunft zunehmen. Denn wo wir gegenwärtig noch in weiten Teilen über einzelne Gewerke oder operative Dienstleistungspakete im kaufmännischen, technischen und/oder infrastrukturellen Bereich reden, wird die Digitalisierung auch diesen Markt massiv…

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Gerhard Nienaber

Die Wirtschaft steht an der Schwelle zur vierten industriellen Revolution. Durch das Internet getrieben, wachsen reale und virtuelle Welt zu einem Internet der Dinge zusammen. International steht Industrie 4.0 heute für die Digitalisierung der Industrie. Die Digitalisierung ist zentraler Treiber für unternehmerisches Wachstum und Wertschöpfung. Um die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit langfristig zu…

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Carmen Kraushaar

„Eine Frau“ – meine Nachfolgerin?! Viele Unternehmen stehen vor einem Generationswechsel in der Führung: Nach Schätzung des Instituts für Mittelstandsforschung (Ifm) stehen im Zeitraum von 2010 bis 2014 schätzungsweise 110.000 Unternehmensübergaben in Deutschland an. Nicht immer steht ein Nachfolger zur Stelle, wenn die ältere Generation abtritt. Und häufig sind es Männer, die als potenzielle…

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Your contact persons in Facility Management
Carmen Kraushaar

Executive & Experts

Stefan Mertz

Executive & Experts

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