For the telecommunications industry, the QRC Group recruits qualified managers and experts who will join you in taking the step into Industry 4.0, giving your company a decisive advantage.

The telecommunications industry has been growing steadily for years. However, this growth brings new challenges that companies have to face in terms of both human resources and organisational issues. Since the classic providers of fixed network and high-speed data transmission also have to network more and more with mobile data transmission providers, companies today need experts and decision-makers who are both highly specialised and forward-looking in their work.


Whether mobile network operator or fixed network/DSL provider, smartphone manufacturer or service provider, cable network operator or consulting service: For more than 15 years, the consultants of the QRC Group have been supporting companies in the telecommunications industry in finding and selecting executives (Executive Search), experts (Expert Search) and in Interim Management. Our experienced headhunters and recruiters have many years of their own telco experience as executives in telco companies and are familiar with the challenges of the market when it comes to finding the right executives and experts. Contact us!

Automatisierte Fertigungsstrasse in der Automobilindustrie


In the years to come, the industry will have to deal with demographic change and find solutions for an increasingly broad range of users. To benefit from the implementation and integration of Industry 4.0 and especially the much-cited Internet of Things, you need executives who can develop effective strategies for the new demands of the market. In order to support companies in meeting these challenges, the QRC Group recruits both experts with specific technical qualifications and decision-makers with management experience.


Almost every year, the communications industry registers a multitude of new requirements, both in economic terms as in development, as well, of course, as on the service front. In current times, this applies above all to the security of data transmission – the security sector in telecommunications is growing at the same rate as the threats emerging in the virtual world. With the implementation of cloud solutions in the workspace environment, security has become a growth market for companies that should not be underestimated. However, it is also a field whose needs have been largely ministered thus far by virus scanners and encryption software and therefore requires more adequate coverage.

Tablet gesteuerter Roboterarm

Future: Mobile

The wireless industry is one of the most critical drivers of innovation in the telecommunications industry and has a particularly high demand for expert personnel and experienced strategists at the executive level. To meet this demand, the QRC Group uses its industry expertise gained through decades of experience as well as its dependable network of contacts to recruit highly specialised technicians and service professionals for wireless service providers and network operators.


The emergence of the Internet of Things makes interdisciplinary communication essential not only in device management itself, but also between departments and companies. Finding and approaching the few qualified high-potential candidates for the multitude of newly created positions and finally recruiting in a medium-sized company requires solid acquisition sources and a wealth of experience.

For this purpose, the consultants of the QRC Group rely on competent and trained headhunters and recruitment specialists and have already been very successful in filling prestigious executive and expert positions in Europe and the Middle East.

News in Telecommunications

The media reports of these days report relatively uniformly that home office and home schooling is in many cases shouldered by women. Some even see a relapse into patterns that were thought to have been overcome, according to which women (again) mainly take care of domestic and family work and…

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Gerhard Nienaber

Auch im Mittelstand ist das Thema „Digitalisierung“ nun verstärkt angekommen. Viele Unternehmen glauben, dass Digitalisierung einfach nur mehr IT- Kompetenz bedeutet, leider ist es nicht ganz so einfach. Der Begriff Digitale Revolution (auch dritte industrielle Revolution oder Elektronische Revolution) bezeichnet den durch die Digitalisierung und Computer ausgelösten Umbruch, der seit Ausgang des…

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Carmen Kraushaar

Unserer Arbeitswelt steht ein disruptiver Wandel bevor: Arbeiten 4.0 bedeutet nicht weniger als die  vollständige Umgestaltung des beruflichen Daseins, wie wir es kennen. Die Digitalisierung greift mit zunehmender Dynamik in alle Bereiche ein. Wer Schritt halten will – ganz gleich ob Chef oder Angestellter – muss sich lebenslang weiterbilden.

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Gerhard Nienaber

Die Schlagzeile der letzten Tage lautet: Deutsche Firmen holen ihre Rentner zurück! Erfahrung steht plötzlich wieder hoch im Kurs. Immer mehr Firmen holen ihre Ehemaligen aus dem Ruhestand zurück. Damit wird dem demografischen Wandel und dem daraus resultierenden Fachkräftemangel Rechnung getragen. Der demografische Wandel fordert Unternehmen heraus! Großunternehmen haben häufig bessere…

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QRC Logo Quadrat

Morgens in der U-Bahn eine Anzeige entdeckt, und am Nachmittag geht es schon los mit dem neuen Job? Ein paar Klicks auf dem Smartphone reichen aus, um die eigene Bewerbung zielgenau und erfolgreich zu präsentieren? Zukunftsmusik oder bereits gelebte Realität? Was die Einsatzmöglichkeiten des Mobile Recruiting betrifft, so stehen viele…

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QRC Logo Quadrat

Das Ziel ist schnell definiert: Die Marke des Arbeitgebers soll attraktiv werden, damit Talente für das Unternehmen gewonnen werden können und qualifizierte und leistungsbereite Arbeitnehmer dauerhaft im Unternehmen verbleiben. Nach Außen gilt es die Wahrnehmung als Arbeitgeber im Arbeitsmarkt positiv zu gestalten und so die Effizienz des Recuitings und die…

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Your contact for telecommunications
Frankfurt am Main

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Tor Marklund

Executive, Expert & Interim

Stefan Mertz

Executive & Experts

Michael Reiß

Executive & Experts

Marco Thommes
Ingolstadt / Pfaffenhofen

Executive & Experts

Ines Thoren

Executive & Experts

Datum: 15. February 2024

Stuttgart, oder Frankfurt

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Datum: 04. December 2023

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Datum: 29. November 2023

Raum Fulda

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Datum: 03. April 2024

Ehingen (Donau)

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Datum: 24. April 2023

Zentrale Lage im Ruhrgebiet

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The advantage of QRC is its industry-savvy managers with extensive professional experience. Here you are not forced into an assembly line scheme, but are looked after individually, sympathetically and interactively. And at a price that is definitely worth it.


A. Lotz