For over 10 years, the QRC Group has been supporting companies in the recruitment of fully qualified lawyers, controllers, tax consultants, auditors and other decision-makers and experts in a wide range of fields – from locally operating and owner-managed law firms to upper mid-sized companies and international Big 4 companies.

Within the sector, our headhunters are aware of the latest developments, many influential decision-makers and are very closely networked with excellent candidates. Our industry specialisation helps us to solve our customers’ problems from the outset and to focus on finding the perfect candidate for a job instead of having to spend time acquiring industry knowledge first.

Executives and experts for legal, tax and accounting

In the field of taxes & accounting, the QRC Group has been advising successful companies for years – both mid-sized and large tax consulting and auditing firms. With in-house expertise, we are your experienced human resources consulting firm for direct contact in the search for highly qualified solicitors, tax experts, tax advisors and auditors. Entrust your project to us – as headhunters, we act with the requisite tact and absolute discretion. For you, we identify and find the best managers (Executive Search), specialists (Expert Search) as well as TOP specialists for temporary tasks via Interim Management.

Tabellen mit Zahlen

Find the best lawyers

There are many well-trained lawyers, but the fierce competition for top talent in this sector begins as soon as you become a fully qualified lawyer: Those who score highly in the second state examination can practically choose their job. Medium-sized law firms and businesses are not only competing with each other in this respect, but above all with the enticements of public service.

Looking for a tax consultant?

Tax consultants and auditors are highly sought after in the consulting field, but many economists shy away from the working hours in this sector despite fairly high starting salaries. Positions in the field of accounting and controlling do not have to struggle with these reservations to such an extreme, but SMEs vie with internationally operating DAX companies for the few top applicants.

Management Headerbild

New thinking in leadership

Processing errors and wrong decisions in these areas can often cost the company millions, so level-headed decision-makers with immense experience are in great demand, especially in the executive area – this applies, for example, to positions at the highest level, such as a chief financial officer in an international Big 4 company.

Active recruiting in the area of taxes (legal, taxes, legal accounting) in the area of taxes (legal, taxes, legal accounting)

If you fill a position with an outside candidate, you are making an enormous leap of faith – the candidate must not only meet the requirements of the job, he or she must also share the company’s philosophy in every respect. The optimal candidate for such a responsible position in finance accounting, legal or taxes can only be found through direct contact, through the executive and expert search of an experienced headhunter. These days, applying for such a position in response to an advertisement is, unfortunately, pure wishful thinking.


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Ihre Ansprechpartner für Legal, Tax, Accounting
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