The QRC Group has been successfully recruiting experts and decision-makers for leading global players and successful SMEs in the wholesale and retail sectors for many years.

More than almost any other sector, retail is suffering from the economic shift towards digital purchasing: The share of online sales compared to those in traditional shops continues to rise every year, and the trend towards locality and regionality is doing little to change this. How companies face these challenges is always case-by-case – however, motivated and loyal employees are always the deciding factor. In an industry that thrives on personal contact like no other, dedicated staff is more important than ever before: Service and support are the battlefields on which retailers can prevail against competitors like Amazon and other online shops. Only those who offer top service, top consulting and creative shop concepts can survive in the long term – and this can only be achieved with qualified personnel and branch managers who identify with their company.

QRC recruits TOP executives and experts in the retail sector

The human resources consultants and headhunters of the QRC Group have specialised in directly approaching TOP retail specialists and executives and have themselves held leading positions as managing directors and sales directors in the retail sector for many years. As a result, we have first-hand knowledge of the industry and its developments. We can support you in searching for and selecting managers (Executive Search), specialists (Expert Search) and Interim Management. We look forward to your project!

Gross Und Einzelhandel

Transformation in the retail sector

Retail trade’s immense dependence on top employees is contrasted by an unparalleled trend towards temporary staff. Only about 40 per cent of employees in the retail sector are employed full-time. The rest are part-time workers, mini-jobbers and contractors – in many cases, economic activity is not possible in any other way. This applies to traditional salespersons in retail, sales experts and visual merchandising specialists in addition to specialists in the book trade, for example. This makes it all the more important that employees experience appreciation and freedoms that are able to compensate for weaknesses in payment.

New thinking in leadership

The digitalisation of retail is advancing rapidly. New services, changing consumer behaviour and demanding customers. Above all, executives with fresh ideas are in demand, those who are able to deal with the daily selling pressure with composure and creativity whilst always acting economically and, in the best case, already have ‘digital’ leadership experience. To find branch, sales and purchasing managers with such a profile and to inspire them to take on a job with a ‘hidden champion’ of retail – that is something that currently only a headhunter with industry experience like the QRC Group can do.


The best in wholesale

Just like retail, wholesale suffers from a high proportion of part-time and low-paid staff. This is leading to ever-increasing specialisation among professionals. Those who have worked in a market hall are often only partially suitable for employment in a purchasing office or in the cash-and-carry sector, despite the same requirements. This is even more problematic in specialised wholesale, where experts often have to search for months for a new job after years of working in the feed trade, for example. By the same token, such companies also find it extremely difficult to fill vacant positions with the right candidates.

Secure your future: Find the best minds

On top of everything else, wholesale and retail also have a problem attracting young talent: the industry is considered unattractive, and the chances of being hired after completing training are poor. Besides this, there are the now quite traditional problems of retailing such as the long working hours and comparatively low pay – these problems are all part and parcel of the industry, but they need to be compensated for in other areas to make jobs attractive to young talents and graduates and to offer them prospects for the future.

In addition to direct contact, the QRC Group also offers management audits and consulting in employer branding. We will work with you to lay the foundation for successful on-going recruiting in your company – after all, you can only survive in the long term if you can also attract and retain top experts and executives.

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Your contact persons in trade
Georg Hesel

Executive & Experts

Jochen Lippok

Executive & Experts

Stefan Mertz

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Joerg Speikamp

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